James Wrynn Newly Elected Director at Insurance Federation of New York for 2021
New York, NY (January 21, 2021) – NAM (National Arbitration and Mediation), one of the nation's leading providers of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services, is proud to announce that The Insurance Federation of New York, Inc. (IFNY) has elected its Officers and Directors for 2021, led by President Nick Pearson, re-elected for 2021, and new Directors James J. Wrynn, Esq. former New York State Superintendent of Insurance, currently Chief Commercial Officer of (NAM) National Arbitration and Mediation, Inc. and Daniel F. Maher, Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of the Excess Line Association of New York (ELANY).
Mr. Pearson welcomed the new Directors, stating: “Since 1913, the Insurance Federation of New York has distinguished itself in service to New York's economy, to free enterprise and to the State's vibrant insurance community through the efforts of professionals such as the members of our current Board of Directors and newly elected Directors Dan Maher and Jim Wrynn. We welcome them to IFNY's leadership and look forward to the full resumption of our robust agenda as the COVID crisis abates.”