Hon. John P. DiBlasi Quoted in Article Written About the NYSBA's Effective Advocacy Program


Hon. John P. DiBlasi, J.S.C. Hearing Officer for NAM (National Arbitration and Mediation) with name written under picture

New York, NY (May 12, 2021) – NAM (National Arbitration and Mediation), one of the nation's leading providers of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services, is pleased to announce that Honorable John P. DiBlasi was quoted in a recent article about the New York State Bar Association's (NYSBA) Effective Advocacy Program. The article, Tell Your Story and Get Off Your High Horse: What Litigators Do Not Understand About Mediation, discussed the soft skills and proven techniques that help lawyers better handle mediations.

New York State Bar Association Logo

At the program, Judge DiBlasi was joined by a faculty of experienced lawyer-mediators who shared their insights and offer practice tips for effective mediation, demonstrating the lawyering skills that are most likely to obtain better client outcomes but differ from what works in trial advocacy.  Effective Mediation Advocacy – Key Skills for Lawyers at the Bargaining Table, focused on the roles of the lawyer, client, and mediator at the mediation and how attorneys can help shift the focus of mediation from posturing over positions to the development of outcomes that serve the interests of all parties.  

In the article, Judge DiBlasi addressed why parties need to keep moving in the mediation and is often asked what their next move should be. He replies with the following advice, “You don't have to do what I'm telling you to do, but I respect the fact that you ask me the question. Here is my suggestion as to how you should move.” He follows up by “cautioning parties to look for omissions, fans representations or false statements as red flags for counsel who have no intention of settling.”

To read the entire article click here

Meet Hon. John P. DiBlasi, J.S.C. (Ret.)