Hon. Ira B. Warshawsky Authors Article Entitled “The Rules of the Commercial Division – An Overview of Changes Throughout the Last Decade” for Nassau Lawyer


warshavskuDecember 5, 2016

NAM is proud to announce that the second article in a two-part series written by Hon. Ira B. Warshawsky entitled The Rules of the Commercial Division – An Overview of Changes Throughout the Last Decade was published in the December, 2016 edition of Nassau Lawyer, a publication of the Nassau County Bar Association.  Part 1 appeared in the November issue.

In the articles, Judge Warshawsky examines the many rule changes that have occurred over the past 10 years in the Commercial Division of the Supreme Court, as well as several proposed rules and amendments.  As a retired Justice of the Supreme Court of the Nassau County Commercial Division, Hon. Warshawsky provides his unique perspective and commentary about the effect these changes will have on litigators practicing commercial law, some of which address Accelerated Adjudication Actions, Interrogatories, Discover of Electronically Stored Information (ESI), Limitations on Depositions, Responses and Objections to Document Requests, Disclosure Disputes, Depositions of Entities and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

According to Judge Warshawsky, the Advisory Council of the Commercial Division is intent on making the New York State Commercial Division operate smoothly and appeal to the commercial practitioner.  Hon. Warshawsky states that the goals of the Council are to “make more efficient and cost-effective the adjudication of commercial disputes in the New York State Commercial Division and to burnish the division's reputation as the premier forum in the United States for the resolution of the most complex business disputes.”

Hon. Ira B. Warshawsky is a former New York Supreme Court Justice, Nassau County, Commercial Division.  As a judge and mediator/arbitrator, he has handled cases involving construction claims, business disputes including business valuation proceedings, corporate and partnership disputes, class actions, complex commercial cases and employment and labor law matters. He was named a National Law Journal 2016 Alternative Dispute Resolution Champion, as part of a select group of only 48 nationwide.  For the third year, Hon. Warshawsky was also voted a Top 10 Arbitrator by 2016 New York Law Journal Annual Reader Rankings Survey.

Click here to view  Hon. Ira Warshawsky's resume.

Click here to view the article, Part 1.

Click here to view the article, Part 2.

Click here to view the 2016 New York Law Journal Survey.

Click here to view 2016 Alternative Dispute Resolution Champions.