Coronavirus (Covid-19) Advisory for NAM Clients
Dear NAM Client:
In light of the current state of events surrounding us all, NAM would like to remind you that should the need arise, we have state of the art technology that enables video and telephonic conferencing for arbitration and mediation hearings.
NAM's technology allows multiple participants to engage with the Neutral in group settings, as well as “virtual” private break out rooms for party caucusing. NAM's neutrals have been fully trained to hear cases in this manner. Clients can participate using a desktop, laptop, iPad, surface pro and/or cellphone.
NAM is fully functional during this time and stands ready to assist our clients in maintaining their business operations and moving forward with their day-to-day ADR needs. For more information about our VirtualNAM services please click here.
For those that are attending in person, NAM would also like to stress that we have taken the utmost care in the cleanliness of our offices. Below are some of the methods we are utilizing in this process.
- All desks, computers, door handles and the like are wiped down throughout the day.
- Alcohol-based sanitizers and tissues are standard in every conference room.
- Cleaning sprays and wipes will also continue to be provided to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects.
- Building managers regularly clean and disinfect building common areas.
The health and safety of all of our clients is our first priority. We ask that anyone who is sick not come into our facilities and have urged our Neutrals and staff who may be ill to work offsite. The Centers for Disease Control recommends that people remain at home until they are free of fever (100.4° F [37.8° C] or greater using an oral thermometer), signs of a fever, and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants).
If there is anything we can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to contact your NAM Account Executive or
Jacqueline Silvey, Esq.
General Counsel
NAM (National Arbitration and Mediation)