Community Events

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Fordham Law School
Costantino & Bateman Rooms
150 West 62nd Street, New York, NY 10023
Program: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

This joint program of the Commercial and Federal Litigation, Corporate Counsel, and Dispute Resolution Sections will explore the contemporary role of mediation in New York and the potential expansion of that role along the lines of initiatives that have taken place in other jurisdictions.

The program will also address the substantial need for additional mediators and trained mediation counsel if the use of mediation is substantially increased in the courts in New York.

Speakers will include representatives of court systems from New York (Federal and State) and other jurisdictions to examine what happens when court systems substantially increase the number and types of cases that are sent to mediation. Speakers will also include mediators, party representatives, and representatives of mediation providers.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Effectiveness of Mediation – and Efforts of the New York Bar to Increase the Use of Mediation in the New York Courts: The Ethical Imperative
  • Levels of Use of Mediation by Private Providers and in the Ad Hoc World – and Reasons There is Not a Greater Level of Use
  • The User Perspective – How Parties and their Counsel in New York Feel About the Level of Mediation Offered and/or Required by the Courts and ADR Providers
  • Keynote: Address: The Compelling Case for Increasing the Use of Mediation in New York
  • Levels of Use of Mediation in Various Court Systems, Analysis of the Success, and Reasons for the Differences
  • The Future of Mediation in New York: What to Do

Leading judges and Bar leaders will also speak at the conference to discuss the possible increase in the use of mediation in New York and how that might be caused to happen.

The program is appropriate for inside counsel, litigators, mediators, judges, ADR providers, and others interested in the present level of mediation provided by the courts in New York and the potential for expanding that level of mediation.