Speaking Engagements

CLE Webinar: Inside the Mind of the Mediator – Avoiding Impasse and Maximizing Outcomes in Mediation

Webinar Date: January 26, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. ET

Our esteemed panel of speakers will discuss key issues in dispute resolution, with a focus on how to maximize outcomes, as well as avoid impasse in mediation. Judge Bonina, Judge Skelos and Mr. Borkowski will present best practices to help prevent the mediation from being sabotaged before real negotiations begin, as well as the latest tips and techniques counsel should consider throughout the mediation process.

CLE Webinar: Why Wait for the Court? Using ADR for the Resolution of Personal Injury Claims 

Webinar Date: December 14, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. ET

Our esteemed panel will present an intriguing program to the members of the Suffolk County Bar Association on the growing trend of using ADR in settling matters with an emphasis on personal injury disputes. The Honorable Paul J. Baisley, Jr. (Ret.) and Glenn Sabele, Esq. will provide insights for navigating these claims, as well as offering best practices to maximize the benefits of settling personal injury disputes through alternative dispute resolution. 

CLE Webinar: Navigating ADR Strategies in the Age of Mass Filings

Webinar Date: November 14, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. ET

Our knowledgeable and experienced panel will explore the potential risks and exposure generated by mass filings and examine the latest strategies employed by both in-house and outside counsel to tackle these challenges and ensure the integrity of the arbitration process.

CLE Panel: Key Considerations for Mediating Sexual Abuse Cases

Event Date: October 5, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.

Attendees will learn: timing in phase of litigation for beneficial mediation; dynamics of parties from dealings leading up to mediation; non-monetary terms to be explored in settlement; limitations both legally, optically and in scope on confidentiality terms; and remote versus in-person mediation.